Monday, September 24, 2007

InChIKey now added to Chemical blogspace

Using the InChI webservices as introduced by Anthony earlier, I added InChIKeys to the Chemical blogspace Molecules section:

BTW, the molecules were picked up because the (1-3)-beta-D-glucan - How moulds can make you wheeze and sneeze and What I'm up against... items linked to the glucose entry in wikipedia.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

IUPAC/InChI joins the Microsoft BioIT Alliance

On the CHMINF-L mailing list it was reported that the IUPAC InChI/InChIKey project joins Microsoft BioIT Alliance. Quoting:

    The establishment of the BioIT Alliance in April 2006 by Microsoft and leading organizations in the life science industries was very much a reflection of this scenario, and the Alliance has now been extended to include a major Scientific Union, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The importance of IUPACs contribution to the enterprise lies primarily in the responsibility of this organization for establishing standards for transmitting chemical information.

I am political quite illiterate, and have no idea why the BioIT Alliance could not use InChI or InChIKey without this mashup. However, I am comforted in the knowledge that the IUPAC InChI/InChIKey project will make sure the Microsoft will not use the InChIKey as drug identifier, which would give very nice (but letal) Millenium-bug like situations when that unlike key clash was found ;)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

10.000 chemistry blog posts!

Chemical blogspace is about to hit the 10.000 blog post since the start less than a year ago! Cheers to all bloggers!